
Docker Compose for ML Engineers

Feb 04, 2024

Here is a 5-minute crash course on Docker Compose for Machine Learning.

Let’s get to it!



Why Docker Compose?

Docker is great, because it makes your ML code 100% portable

  • from your local development environment, to

  • the production environment, for example a Kubernetes Cluster.

However, Docker alone is often not enough when you develop real-world ML apps.



Because ML applications

  • are not all-in-one monoliths, that you can dockerize into a single container,

  • but multiple independent services that communicate through a shared message bus, like Apache Kafka or Redpanda.

This is the micro-services way of building software, that applies to ML engineering as well.

So, when you develop your services locally, and want to test they work as expected, you need a tool that helps you define, build and run multi-container Docker applications in your local environment.

And this is precisely what Docker Compose helps you with.

Let’s go through a step-by-step example.



All the code that I show here is available in this Github repository.
→ Give it a star ⭐ on Github to support my work.

Let’s develop and build a real-time feature pipeline with the help of Docker Compose.

Our real-time feature pipeline has 3 steps:

  • trade_producer (producer)→ reads trades from the Kraken Websocket API and saves them in a Kafka topic.

  • trade_to_ohlc (transformation) → reads trades from Kafka topic, computes Open-High-Low-Close candles (OHLC) using Stateful Window Operators, and saves them in another Kafka topic.

  • ohlc_to_feature_store (consumer) → saves these final features to an external Features Store.

Each of these steps is implemented as an independent service

├── ohlc_to_feature_store
│   ├──
│   └── requirements.txt
├── trade_producer
│   ├──
│   └── requirements.txt
└── trade_to_ohlc
    └── requirements.txt

and communication between them in production happens through a message bus like Redpanda.

Let’s fully dockerize this stack, using Docker Compose, in 4 steps.


Step 1 → Write a Dockerfile for each service

For each service you need to write and commit a Dockerfile, that defines the Docker image

├── ohlc_to_feature_store
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├──
│   └── requirements.txt
├── trade_producer
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├──
│   └── requirements.txt
└── trade_to_ohlc
    ├── Dockerfile
    └── requirements.txt

In this case, our Dockerfiles would look as follows:

👉 If you don’t know how to write a Dockerfile, take a look at this blog post


Step 2 → Write the docker-compose.yml file

The Docker compose file is a YAML file you write and commit in the root of your directory.

├── docker-compose.yml
├── ohlc_to_feature_store
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├──
│   └── requirements.txt
├── trade_producer
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├──
│   └── requirements.txt
└── trade_to_ohlc
    ├── Dockerfile
    └── requirements.txt

In the the docker-compose you specify the list of services you need to spin up, in this case:

  • The 3 pipeline steps: trade_producertrade-to-ohlc and ohlc-to-feature-store, and

  • The Redpanda message broker used by these services to communicate, that requires two independent services: redpanda and redpanda-console

Now, for each of these service, you need to provide

  • build instructions, including path to Dockerfile or any required environment variables, and

  • runtime information, like number of replicas or forced restarts for your containers.

For example, this is what the trade-producer section looks like:


Step 3 → Build your services

From the root directory of your project run

$ docker-compose build

to build your full stack, including the 5 services and the necessary networking for them to communicate.


Step 4 → Run your entire stack

To run and test your entire stack locally, you simply run

$ docker-compose up -d

And if works, YOU ARE DONE.

Because this is the magic of Docker and Docker Compose.

If it works on your laptop. It also works on production.


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Let’s keep on learning,
